Business Update

I’ve made a goal to blog every week this summer. Are there any subjects you find helpful or want to know more about? Let me know!
As many home business owners know, it can be easy to let family and other work crowd business time out. Things got really busy this last semester and I didn’t spend as much time on my business as I should have. However, I’m back in the saddle and working on several projects. I’m also trying to be a bit more deliberate in my business activities to make the most out of them as possible.
I recently picked up a copy of the ElderCare Resource Handbook and was thrilled to see Music Therapy listed as a resource. The information was general but it did include the link to the Certification Board for Music Therapists. It’s nice to see that there is at least a little understanding of the discipline.
I am working to learn more about the needs of families in this area so that I can offer programs that meet those needs. If you haven’t done so, please fill out the survey. It is only open until June 15.