One is Silver and the Other Gold
You may have heard the term “gear acquisition syndrome”. There are so many cool instruments and tools that can be used in music therapy. Since I work out of my home I need to balance my equipment inventory and storage with my family’s needs. As a relatively new business owner, my instrument budget is pretty limited as well.
I’ve been considering selling one of my harps. I don’t play it much and I could use the money and the space. I pulled it out to show someone I am working with. I had forgotten what a lovely sound it has! The harp has a wonderful shape and size.

Sometimes it’s nice to go back to something we haven’t done for a while. It’s comfortable and yet we can see it with new eyes. I’ve found that I can be much more music and creative when going back to a tune after letting it sit for a while.
What hobby or life pursuit have you let slide? What would happen if you tried it again? Let me know!