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Grace, Grief, & Gratitude

A colleague shared the phrase “grace, grief, and gratitude” as a coping mechanism. We’ve all been impacted in some way by the events of the last few months. This in turn can affect our physical and mental health. We might be struggling with sleep disturbances, low energy and mood, difficulty concentrating, etc. This is a normal response to the upheavals in routines, schedule, and possibly our employment. It is especially important to modify our expectations for ourselves and others. This might mean taking longer on a project or taking a walk or quick breather before you respond to someone. How do you give yourself grace?

Restrictions to prevent the spread of infection may have meant missing out on special traditions, not being with a loved one when they were ill, not having closure with a teacher or friends at school. People have died in senseless ways due to the color of their skin. Communities are being forever changed. It is appropriate to feel a great sense of loss.

After acknowledging our grief, we can develop a sense of gratitude. Sometimes gratitude can be a loaded word, a way of shutting people down, instead of allowing them to express feelings of disappointment or anger. Healthy gratitude doesn’t downplay our difficulties or rely on comparisons. What are you grateful for today?

If you are in the Twin Cities or another music therapist, be sure to check out Jennifer Hicks' Website!

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